✔ Monthly membership Luncheons and  Welcome Coffee chats

✔ Group sports and hobbies like tennis, book clubs, and gardening

✔ Singles and couples activities such as wine tasting and dining adventures

✔ Volunteer opportunities with local charities

As a member, you can join 300+ neighbors in a variety of activities:

What's New?

General News

The monthly issue of the New Neighbors News can be found on the Newsletters page under the Members Area tab in the menu bar. You will need to create your own  NN password to access any of the pages in the Members Area.

Find the monthly calendar on the Calendar page under the Events tab in the menu bar.

Please contact coffee@newneighbors.org for information about the next Welcome Coffee meeting for our new members.

Mark your calendar for our next luncheon scheduled for the third Wednesday of the month. For details, please see the Luncheon page under the Members Area.

The current membership list can be found on the Member Directory page located in the Members Area.

If you need a name tag, please contact the NN Newsletter Editor at nnnews@comcast.net

Visit our Facebook, Instagram and NN Photos page to see the latest pictures of recent NN events!

Service News

As a service-oriented organization, New Neighbors offers opportunities to provide financial support to local charities. The primary charities we’re supporting in the 2024-2025 fiscal year are Memphis Rox Climbing and Community Center, Shelby Literacy Center, Vita’s Light, and Page Robbins Adult Daycare Center.

For more information on our charities, please contact the Service Chair.

Volunteer News

Cooks Who Care is part of our Sunshine outreach to members who have had surgery, an illness, death in the family, or for other reasons need a home-cooked meal. Sunshine is about letting our members know we care. If you know of a member who may need support, please contact the Sunshine Chair to send a card or to offer assistance.

The Page Robbins monthly birthday party is on the 4th Thursday of the month at 2:30 p.m.

General News

The monthly issue of the New Neighbors News can be found on the Newsletters page under the Members Area tab in the menu bar. You will need to create your own  NN password to access any of the pages in the Members Area. Find the monthly calendar on the Calendar page under the Events tab in the menu bar. Please contact coffee@newneighbors.org for information about the next Welcome Coffee meeting for our new members. Mark your calendar for our next luncheon scheduled for the third Wednesday of the month. For details, please see the Luncheon page under the Members Area. The current membership list can be found on the Member Directory page located in the Members Area. If you need a name tag, please contact the NN Newsletter Editor at nnnews@comcast.net Visit our Facebook, Instagram and NN Photos page to see the latest pictures of recent NN events!

Service News

As a service-oriented organization, New Neighbors offers opportunities to provide financial support to local charities. The primary charities we’re supporting in the 2024-2025 fiscal year are Memphis Rox Climbing and Community Center, Shelby Literacy Center, Vita’s Light, and Page Robbins Adult Daycare Center. For more information on our charities, please contact the Service Chair.

Volunteer News

Cooks Who Care is part of our Sunshine outreach to members who have had surgery, an illness, death in the family, or for other reasons need a home-cooked meal. Sunshine is about letting our members know we care. If you know of a member who may need support, please contact the Sunshine Chair to send a card or to offer assistance. The Page Robbins monthly birthday party is on the 4th Thursday of the month at 2:30 p.m.

Events This Week

DTT Cruise begins

March 28, 2025

Friday Daytime Book Club

March 28, 2025  10:00 am - 12:00 pm

Evening Hand and Foot Canasta

March 28, 2025  6:30 pm - 8:30 pm

DTT Cruise

March 29, 2025

DTT Cruise

March 30, 2025

DTT Cruise

March 31, 2025

Daytime Party Bridge

April 1, 2025  1:00 pm - 4:00 pm

Hand & Foot Canasta

April 1, 2025  1:00 pm - 3:00 pm

Ladies Dining In

April 1, 2025  6:00 pm - 8:00 pm

Day Trippers

April 3, 2025  10:00 am - 12:00 pm

Canasta Cuties

April 3, 2025  12:30 pm - 2:30 pm