We’re so excited that you’re interested in joining New Neighbors! To be considered for membership, please click the button below and fill out our membership form.

Already part of the New Neighbors community and want to stay a member? You can renew your membership by clicking the button below as well.


Choose your membership below.

“Full Year”      is from  June 1 until May 31

“Jan to June” is from January 1 until May 31


If you join after April 1, please select the full year membership option that will expire on

May 31 the following year.

If preferred, you can fill out the membership form on paper by following these steps:

  • Click on this link to open a PDF version of the membership form
  • Print double sided and fill out both pages completely (make sure to include your signature and the date you completed the form)
  • Check all activities that you would like to participate in
  • Mail the completed form along with your membership fee payment to the address on the form

important membership info

Our annual membership fee of $45 covers participation in club activities and events, monthly newsletters that are available online, access to the Members Only section of our website and an annual membership directory. This fee does not include additional costs incurred for other club events or activities, such as monthly luncheons, social events and a mailed newsletter. If you have any questions, please contact us at membership@newneighbors.org

welcome coffee

We also invite all prospective and new members to attend our Welcome Coffee meetings. If you wish to attend the next coffee chat, please email coffee@newneighbors.org. Check out the What’s New section on our home page to find out when we’re having our next Welcome Coffee!